Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tips for improving seo traffic

To include every Google SEO tip out there, a lot of time, typing and research would have to be done. However, if you are searching for a few helpful “on page” tips, you have come to the right place. The following will help you improve Google SEO on your website.

Keywords Outside of Content

For Google SEO, or any SEO for that matter, keywords should appear in more than just the main content. Website owners should include a main keyword in the site’s URL, title tag, and domain name. Priority keywords should also appear in the titles of articles and alternative text for images and photographs.

Pick Reliable Sites for Linking

Websites often contain links to other websites. When working with Google SEO, make sure your website only links to reliable, relevant websites that offer quality. Google has become very intelligent in how it indexes pages. Choosing a good link can boost your site’s position, but choosing a bad one can hurt it.

Proper Linking with Anchor Text

When linking a website, make sure the anchor text includes a relevant, appropriate description of the site being linked. This is reviewed for Google SEO and can impact how your site is indexed. The anchor text doesn’t have to be long and drawn out, but it should be accurate and descriptive so Google (and human readers) know what the site is about.

Update Often

Update your website content often. The new content will attract web crawlers and can improve your Google SEO. New content will also attract visitors and encourage return visits, especially if they are done regularly (such as daily, weekly, multiple times a week or even bi-weekly). Stick to a schedule and both Google SEO and human readers will come back for more.


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